Teacher Jeremy's Story,

Introducing Mr. Jeremy – the adventurer of careers! He's taken a journey through all sorts of jobs, gathering amazing experiences as he went. Armed with a bachelor's degree in computer programming and a post-graduate degree in computer networking, Mr. Jeremy initially stepped into the world of English education to satisfy his curiosity and dive into different cultures.

But here's the twist: as he taught, he discovered a whole new passion within him. Teaching became his top priority, and he transformed into a dedicated educator. His mission now? To inspire and nurture young minds. With his super skills and love for teaching, he's here to help us unlock our potential and light up our futures! 🌟




Chesterton, IN - USA

Chesterton Indiana is Teacher Jeremy's Hometown.


Teacher Jeremy grew up in Chesterton, IN. When Teacher Jeremy was growing up, the town of Chesterton had a population of only 10,000 people. When Teacher Jeremy was growing up, there were no cell phones and The Internet was not very popular yet, so Teacher Jeremy spent most of his days riding his bike around town with friends, or swimming in and hiking around the beaches of Lake Michigan.

傑里米老師在印第安納州切斯特頓長大。在傑里米老師成長的時候,切斯特頓鎮的人口只有一萬人。 Jeremy老師小時候,還沒有手機,網路還不是很普及,所以Jeremy老師大部分時間都和朋友騎著腳踏車在城裡轉悠,或是在密西根湖的海灘游泳、健行。