Air Quality Monitoring Box 空汙觀測盒

Hey there, curious kiddos! Have you ever heard of air pollution? It's when the air around us gets dirty and unhealthy to breathe. This can happen when we use cars, factories, and other things that make smoke and chemicals. Air pollution can make us sick, especially if we breathe it in a lot. It can also hurt the environment by making plants and animals sick, too. But don't worry, there are things we can do to help reduce air pollution. We can walk or bike instead of using cars, and we can recycle to reduce waste. Remember, taking care of our air is important for our health and the planet.


Vocabulary: curious 好奇的/ pollution 污染/ unhealthy 不健康的/ breathe 呼吸/ factory 工廠/ chemical 化學物質/ environment 環境/ instead of 而不是/ recycle 回收/ reduce 減少/ waste 廢物/ planet 行星